It’s flattening but now what?

2020-04-12 Flattening Curve.jpg

‪It’s flattening. Still have a ways to go but heading in the right direction. Now we have to look forward to the sanctimonious backward looking blame gaming and Monday morning quarterbacking. Hindsight is 20/20. It’s near impossible to see around corners w any level of certainty.‬

As with every issue and perspective of life, politics, and religion there is a spectrum of voices all stating their certainty of prognosis and peddling their action steps. Each know they are absolutely correct. All can’t be right. But some will be deemed correct in what they forecasted which will be used as the standard to condemn all the others.

Again, only hindsight awards the victors narrative. Even a broken clock can claim victory twice a day!!

When making critical decisions it’s impossible to game play all options. You can’t run counter factual narratives after the fact to prove the other’s options would have dared better, the same, or even worse. There are different factors that can’t be added to the calculus because they are unknown until the fog of war is upon you.

So as we muddle through the finger pointing, name calling, and blame gaming may we all lose the political gamesmanship and bias blinding arrogance and seek what is best from here forward, and update our pandemic and emergency learning for next time, which will be very different from this time. Past learning can only help us rhyme they can never be the notes we play. And may be love and do what is best, in the collective sense of the words.


I don’t know what I don’t know


Great Friday