I don’t know what I don’t know

Dont Know What I Dont Know.png

‪What we don’t understand we often dismiss, while emboldening that which we’re confidently certain of. However, no measure of our certainty makes that what we don’t understand untrue or irrelevant. It’s just that we have no knowledge or comprehension of it. It’s beyond the schema that I have built up until this point. Feynman said, “The more you know, the more you know what you don’t know.” And, the less you know the less you know that you don’t know‬. It feels like I’m at that point of learning and understanding of my world, our world, the universe right now. Too much reading, watching, thinking about quantum physics, cosmology, epistemology, etc. So much more of what I didn’t know (and discovering) confronts what I do know with confidence. I normally enjoy this ride.

Although this time, it feels a bit disconcerting, very humbling, and is definitely creating in me a new wonder of what else will I discover that initiate paradigm shifts in my mind. (It gets harder to ride experiences these updates- I figured I should have most things figured out by now. Not even close. It’s happened multiple times in my life and will again in the future. And every time it happens with such degree makes me feel small, insignificant, not wanting to open my mouth to share my insights and yet more curious to again update my knowledge and understanding frameworks of reality.

So here we go again.


The Zax: A bedtime story


It’s flattening but now what?