YM325 Relational Dynamics for Youth & Family Ministry
YM326 takes a reflective examination and skill development of the relational dynamics for effective leadership through administration, vision casting, conflict metamorphosis, decision-making, and volunteer-equipping in the life and ministry of the student minister, including his/her healthy relationships with God, family, students, the ministry staff, church elders/deacons, the church community (weddings and funerals), and the world.
For leaders to be effective, they must lead with a 360-degree perspective that starts by leading from the inside out. That means that there is a lot of interior work that must occur in order to maximize their leadership impact. This is called self-leadership. It happens when we are able to make sound self-assessments and organize ourselves through self-management. We will explore that. In addition, we will examine the interrelated and systemic interactions between everyone that you, the youth ministry leading servant, will encounter.
There is a lot of work (reflective and inner world exploration), but I believe it will be worth it in the end. And when you finish, you will have been challenged to consider the relational dynamics of the way you think, feel, and act as a leader AND how that will affect others with whom you come in contact.
Semester-Long Paper Stock Trading Game (so we can talk about Minister’s Money, Taxes, and Investments)
Intense Personal Assessment and Application of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.
Focus attention on the key relational dynamics of Team Empowerment, Risk, Conflict, Change, and Decision Making
A Final Self-Reflection and Next Steps Application over each key topic from the semester
Classes I Teach
CM201 Foundations of Christian Ministry
CM315 Evangelism, Discipleship & Faith Development (coming this fall)
CM411 Christian Leadership
YM111 Orienteering for Youth and Family Ministry
YM202 PRIMER (Pre-Internship Ministry Experience)
YM211 Foundations for Youth and FamilyMinistry
YM325 Relational Dynamics for Youth and Family Ministry
YM326 Nuts and Bolts for Youth and Family Ministry
YM327 Social Issues for Youth and Family Ministry
YM480 Mathetes: Spiritual Formation. A Senior Capstone