YM111 Orienteering for Youth and Family Ministry
Youth and Family Ministry Orienteering is an introductory course that will orient students for a journey through the youth ministry program to the various youth ministry vocational opportunities available and to developing a personal ministry preparation strategy that includes strengthening their Character, deepening their relational Chemistry, improving their Competency, and fueling their Confidence and Commitment for a long life in kingdom service.
Orienteering is a sports term for trying to get a lay of the land, to figure out where we are and where we need to go. This is what we will do in this course. Success in anything often is determined at the beginning. Although not impossible to catch up, starting outright is a key to doing well. That is what this class is all about…helping you develop the mindsets, attitudes, and skills that will set you on a course to be a great LEADING SERVANT. When you walk on campus, we are already thinking about when you graduate. In addition, we will talk about youth ministry and developing environments where spiritual formation can naturally occur for youth and their families. This course is a chilled course. We will have a great time as we journey together on this adventure.
Develop a Website for Professional Portfolio Development
Engaging in Relational Youth Ministry
Facing the Challenges of Ministry
Getting a Handle on Finances
Preparing for Weekend/Summer Ministries
Classes I Teach:
CM201 Foundations of Christian Ministry
CM315 Evangelism, Discipleship & Faith Development (coming this fall)
CM411 Christian Leadership
YM111 Orienteering for Youth and Family Ministry
YM202 PRIMER (Pre-Internship Ministry Experience)
YM211 Foundations for Youth and FamilyMinistry
YM325 Relational Dynamics for Youth and Family Ministry
YM326 Nuts and Bolts for Youth and Family Ministry
YM327 Social Issues for Youth and Family Ministry
YM480 Mathetes: Spiritual Formation. A Senior Capstone