Part 4: Chords & Songs
PLAY GUITAR: [HOME] Part 1: The Basics. Part 2: Diggin’ In. Part 3: Playing Bass. Part 4: Chords & Songs
Guitar Chords by Key (G, C, D, A) - I, ii, iii, IV, V, VI
Guitar Chords for Beginners. This chart has more chords
All Guitar Chords - You can select what chord you want to make on the guitar and it will show you.
Songs to Practice
Key of G
Amazing Grace (G) John Newton
Chords G, G7, D Em (1, 17, IV, V, vi,)
Every Move I Make (G - cheater chords) Dave Ruis
Chords G, Cadd9, Dsus4 (1, IVadd9, Vsus4)
Play along with the Simplified Guitar Video (this is a slower version for you to play with AND you will need to change your strum.
It is You (G) - Newsboys
Chords G, C, D, Em (I, IV, V, vi)
Play along with the Video (A few of the chord placements are incorrect, but you should get it.)
How Great is Our God (G) - Chris Tomlin
Chords: G, C2, D, Em7. (I, IV, V, vi7) (Variation of what we have learned. Easy!)
Play along with the Video (The video has the original chords which are harder, but you can work up to it.)
Lord, We Lift Your Name on High (G)
Chords: G, C, D, Em (I, IV, V, vi)
Play along with the Simplified Guitar Video (a variation using cheater cords from Simplified Guitar, a site for beginner guitars. Check out other songs.)
Key of C
A (D)
Key of D
You are My King (Amazing Love) (D)
Chords: D, G, A, Bm (I, IV, V, vi)
Play along with the Video
Key of A
Praise (A) - Elevation Worship feat Brandon Lake, Chris Brown & Chandler Moore
Chords: A, Bm, D, E, F#m (I, ii, IV, V, vi) (The is harder than the ones above, but once you get the D down, then you can use your pointer finger as a reference for A and E. E is the same formation as Am, just each of your fingers moves up 1 string on the neck. The F#m is a barre chord off of the Em. You will get it with some practice.)
Play along with the Video - It is a play-along video with the chords.
The Christmas Songbook by Jonathan Reaux
Song Tutorials
PLAY GUITAR: [HOME] Part 1: The Basics. Part 2: Diggin’ In. Part 3: Playing Bass. Part 4: Chords & Songs