Help! Taking on a new, difficult challenge
I was asked by a former student for some wisdom concerning moving into a new, but very difficult, role. And the organization is a mess.
Here is what I said:
I would read anything by Lencioni (The Advantage), reread 7 habits by Covey, and anything Simon Sinek. Then…
Define Reality. Ask hard questions with other leaders. Do a SWOT analysis (INNER: Strengths and Weaknesses. OUTER: Opportunities and Threats)
Clarify a Vision. Where does the organization need to be in 3 years, 1 year, and 3 months. (After the 1st months, adjust the 3 year and 1 year perspective based on what you learned in this initial initiative.
Develop an Execution Plan. Identify 6-8 key areas that will help you to get from reality to the preferred vision.
Eat an Elephant. Take one bite at a time.
Guard Your Heart. Work hard but guard your heart, time, and family. Don’t get sucked into the vortex to make this happen on your own.
This is what I would tell anyone for any challenge that must be faced. And pray for wisdom.