CM201 Foundations of Christian Ministry
CM201 is a survey course of the biblical, theological, and historical foundations for ministry in the contemporary church for students to identify their calling and philosophy of ministry.
Effective kingdom ministry depends on the awareness, development, and implementation of biblical, ecclesiastical, spiritual, personal, and academic foundations. This course will guide students through the process of incorporating these foundational dynamics and principles in order to lead with best practices in all kingdom leadership ministry roles and contexts. This course is designed to as one of the seminal courses for Christian Ministry majors & Ministry Focus majors (preaching, youth & family, intercultural, etc.). Since we are focusing on Christian Ministry for the 21st Century, our course image is a smartphone seeking to use the best apps to engage with and shape culture. We must incarnate ourselves in our culture, living in the tension of the middle on the redemptive edge so as to relate, dialog, and journey with those who don't know God so that they will.
Semester-long church staff meetings and assignments
Church Fitbit: Development of a Healthy Church Evaluation Tool
Christian Ministry Manifesto (a cumulative learning artifact covering: Calling, Ministry Theology, Character and Ethics, Self-Awareness, Ministry Challenges, Team Dynamics, Church Assessment, Ministry Mindsets, and Next Steps)
Classes I Teach:
CM201 Foundations of Christian Ministry
CM315 Evangelism, Discipleship & Faith Development (coming this fall)
CM411 Christian Leadership
YM111 Orienteering for Youth and Family Ministry
YM202 PRIMER (Pre-Internship Ministry Experience)
YM211 Foundations for Youth and FamilyMinistry
YM325 Relational Dynamics for Youth and Family Ministry
YM326 Nuts and Bolts for Youth and Family Ministry
YM327 Social Issues for Youth and Family Ministry
YM480 Mathetes: Spiritual Formation. A Senior Capstone